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Messages - piZZero

Hi everyone!

At Eternal Central we've made a guide for those of you interested on Cockatrice, an Open Source software that allows you to play (free) Magic games online on both PC and Mac. The guide is a user and installation guide and we hope it's useful and helps you improve your gaming experience! Remember that Cockatrice is being constantly improved by this german team, whose leader is Bruker.

[Guide]: Cockatrice – PC/Mac software to play Magic: The Gathering online


piZZero - Jordi Amat

I'm happy you've achieved such a nice result, finally! Coming from Perpignan every month to the LCV is a big effort that finally has been rewarded!

Jacerator rulz! (despite you played the timmy version ;))


piZZero - Jordi Amat
Is it here where the spamm goes?

It was me who wrote the post xDDDD

I do really hope you guys enjoy EC as much as we'll do writing on it.


piZZero - Jordi Amat
Hi there!

On the following link you can read the report about the trip we did to Zaragoza to meet Dan Frazier:

The day I met Dan Frazier

A little preview:


piZZero - Jordi Amat
Thought you might also like it posted here:

I'll be posting tomorrow an article about the deck at Feel free to visit the site if you are more interested about the card choices, strategy, etc...


piZZero - Jordi Amat
I have a playset of Japanese Mirage Mysticals, another playset of Japanese Mirage Altered (by my friend Omar) Mysticals, a playset of Japanese Signed by April Lee Lotus Petal, and a single Japanese Signed and ALtered by April Lee Lotus Petal.

I do prefer my foil playsets in before any of the previously mentioned. It's just a matter of preferences.

Anyways, this is my (not so) "budget" Legacy deck:

TP Affinity - By piZZero



piZZero - Jordi Amat
Hi again!

I don't know if you guys noticed that we've re-opened the blog from the Team Pataners. This time, the blog is 100% in english and, as usual, it will have plenty of Pimp!

The following I think this is the pimpest playset of any card I've ever owned. I took me several months & mails, but today I finally got in my mail this japanese playset of Ill-Gotten Gains signed by the singer Iggy Pop. You can read more about this story in my blog:

The day I met mr. Iggy Pop

One of this Ill-Gotten Gains is now part of my ANT deck:

Keep it real pimp, babe!

piZZero - Jordi Amat
It's been a while since the last time I posted a deck here. Hope you guys like it  :D.

4C Control Bob by piZZero


It still needs some tunning, like some foil japanese signed cards I used to have but sold to a friend (Brainstorm, Tinker, Gifts Ungiven), a FTV: Exiled Foil Signed Strip Mine, Beta Signed Mox Jet, Ruby and Time Walk, and my old Beta Signed Regrowth which I also sold to a friend.

And as a bonus track:

Alpha NM Miscut and Signed Wheel of Fortune  8-)


piZZero - Jordi Amat
After a long period playing Tezzeret, I returned to my old Gifts deck and I won a local tournament last Sunday. I thought it would be nice to share the images :)


The maindeck is all beta/foil japanese, and 51 out the 60 cards are signed/artworked. If anyone can help me out get the remaining cards I would really appreciate it:

- Mox Jet Beta - Signed (and or Artworked)
- Mox Emerald Beta - Signed (and or Artworked)
- Mox Ruby Beta- Signed (and or Artworked)
- Time Walk Beta - Signed
- Chain of vapor Foil Japanese Signed
- Gifts Ungiven Foil Japanese Signed
- Vampiric Tutor Foil Signed
- Tendrils of Agony Foil Japanese Signed
- Empty the Warrens Foil Japanese Signed

And for the sideboard, the 2 Yixlid Jailer are already on their way to my home :P


piZZero - Jordi Amat
Hi everyone!!!

Team Pataners is very proud to announce you the following tournament:

2ème Open Vintage à Cabrera de Mar

Date : le 08/11/08.

Horaire: 09:00.

Lieu: Can Martinet. Salle apte pour 150-200 personnes (places limitées).

Adresse: Av.Pare Jaume Català nº 42.


1er Black Lotus (Unlimited)

2ème Mox Jet (Unlimited))

3ème Mox Pearl (Unlimited)

4ème Library of Alexandria (Arabian Nights)

5ème-8ème Mana Mana Drain (Signed - Legends English & Italian)

9ème-12ème Force of Will (Signed - Alliances)

13ème-16ème To be announced

1er sans P9 - Mox Emerald

Tel: 93 754 28 61


- Bus : Microbus Vilassar-Cabrera, pour plus d'information adressez-vous directement l'entreprise de Transports Casas (tel.93 798 11 00)

- Train : RENFE , ligne Barcelone-Mataró. Gare de Cabrera de Mar-Vilassar de Mar. Tel. 902 240202.

- Voiture: C-31 i C-32 de Barcelone à Palafolls, sortie 94, Vilassar-Cabrera de Mar-Argentona. Direction Barcelone: sortie 98, Cabrera de Mar. Autoroute C-60 Granollers-Mataró: sortie 1 Argentona.

Inscription: Dès que vous aurez rempli le formulaire et payé le montant de l'inscription vous recevrez un e-mail (ou bien un appel téléphonique si vous n'avez pas de courrier électronique) en confirmant votre place dans le tournoi.


Téléphone de contact:   
Adresse électronique:   
Cocher l'option choisie :

__Uniquement inscription : 20 €

__Inscription + déjeuner : 25 €

Numéro de compte courant pour le versement du montant de l'inscription:

Caixa Laietana 2042-0053-71-3110000160 en indiquant votre nom et prénom

Rappelez-vous que votre place ne sera définitive dans le tournoi qu'après le paiement de l'inscription !!!

Envoyer le formulaire (copier et coller) à

Vous pouvez vous inscrire et payer directement en espèces le même jour du tournoi, mais pensez que les places sont limitées et il se peut que vous n'arriviez pas à temps !!!


Can Martinet Av.Pare Jaume Català nº 42. 08349 Cabrera de Mar

Tel: 93 754 28 61


Horaire: de lundi à dimanche de 17 à 20h

More information, updates, etc... at

Hope to see you soon!

piZZero - Jordi Amat
Thanks Neonico :)

I hope she doesn't mind some free publicity about her art ;) I've added a news about her that you can check HERE

Does she own any blog or website with all her art?

I'd like to add her with the other Artists that alter cards to my blog ( ).


piZZero - Jordi Amat