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Messages - chippo

We have very good news about this event. I got the confirmation that we got byes for the Bazaar of Moxen 4 event in Annecy this year. So if you would like to get a head start the first place will receive 2 byes and second will get 1 bye for the legacy part of BOM4.

I'd like to inform you that Magic Club Mol organises a new vintage tournament, on April 11th.  Playing in Mol means fun, we like a relaxed atmosphere with competitive decks.  For a summary of the decks played on previous editions, you can take a look at

We have for you only on this day byes for Bazaar of Moxen. Be aware that this is for the Vintage Event of BOM. But this will spice up the competition!!

When: Sunday April 11th 2010                                                                             
Start: 11h00 (doors:10h00)
Concept: 6 swiss rounds + top 8 playoff
Entry Fee: 14.00 € (Preregistered: 12.00 €, preregistration closes Friday April 9th at 13h00)
1st Place: Unlimited Mox Pearl + 2 byes for Bazaar of Moxen
2nd Place: 1 Mana Drain + 1 bye for Bazaar of Moxen
3rd – 4th Place: 1 FBB Savannah
5th – 8th Place: 1 Polluted Delta
Non-powered: 1 Scrubland

The above is GUARANTEED but if we have more than 55 players we present the following structure:
1st Place: Beta Mox Ruby + 2 byes for Bazaar of Moxen
2nd Place: Library of Alexandria + 1 bye for Bazaar of Moxen
3rd – 4th Place: 1 Mana Drain
5th – 8th Place: 1 FBB Plateau
9th – 12th Place: 1 Polluted Delta
Non-powered top 3:
1. Bayou
2. Misty Rainforest
3. Bloodstained Mire

Location: Café Volkshuis, Rozenberg 115, 2400 Mol (Belgium)
A road description can be found on (English version) (Dutch version)

Drinks and sandwiches are available at reasonable price, so we like to ask you not to bring in your own drinks or food.

For preregistration and further information, contact us:
by e-mail:
by phone: +32473813637 (Tom Hens)

Kind regards,

Tom Hens
Three Belgian Clubs (Magic Club Gent, Magic Club Mol and Brassman Oostende) are working together to create a huge Legacy tournament. Each club organizes trial tournaments where you can win byes for the final tournament in addition to dual lands and other prizes. These qualifiers will be held in Brussels, Ostende, Mol and Ghent.
The first qualifier will be held at Outpost Brussels, Rue de la Tribune 8, 1000 Brussel on April 4th.

Prices will be according to attendance (this is so for all the qualifiers) following this cascading system:
up to 40 players:
1. Playset Tropical Island + 2 bye + 2 byes for BOM4
2. Playset Misty Rainforest + 1 bye + 1 bye for BOM4
3. 2 Verdant Catacomb
4. 2 Verdant Catacomb
5– 8: Zendicar fetchland
outside top8 draftvouchers depending on the participants

60+ players:
1. Playset Tropical Island + playset blue Fetchland + 2 bye + 2 byes for BOM4
2. Playset Misty Rainforest + playset blue Fetchland + 1 bye + 1 bye for BOM4
3. 2 Verdant Catacomb
4. 2 Verdant Catacomb
5– 8: Zendicar fetchland
outside top8 draftvouchers depending on the participants

1. Playset Tropical Island + 2 playset blue Fetchland + 2 bye + 2 byes for BOM4
2. Playset Misty Rainforest + 2 playset blue Fetchland + 1 bye + 1 bye for BOM4
3. 2 Verdant Catacomb
4. 2 Verdant Catacomb
5– 8: Zendicar fetchland
outside top8 draftvouchers depending on the participants

Entry fee for the tournament will be €12 or €10 preregistered.
Preregistration is simple: just send an email to or use the preregister-option on .

Hope to see you soon at one of our qualifiers.
Je veux t'annoncer que on donne aussi des Byes pour le partie Legacy de Bazaar Of Moxen.

Ca veux dire 2 pour le gagnant et 1 pour le deuxieme.

I'd like to inform you that Magic Club Mol organises a new big legacy tournament, on February 21st.  Playing in Mol means fun, we like a relaxed atmosphere with competitive decks.  For a summary of the played decks on previous editions, you can take a look at We will not be giving byes for the GP Madrid but this will be your last chance to test your deck in a competitive environment!!

When: Sunday February 21st 2009                                                                             
Start: 11h00 (doors:10h00)
Concept: 6 swiss rounds + top 8 playoff
Entry Fee: 14.00 € (Preregistered: 12.00 €, preregistration closes Friday February 19th at 13h00)
1st Place: All Revised Duals + 2 byes for Bazaar of Moxen
2nd Place: All Fetchlands (incl. Zendikar) + 1 bye for Bazaar of Moxen
3rd – 4th Place: 1 Tarmogoyf + 1 Pernicious Deed
5th – 8th Place: 1 Volcanic Island
9th – 12th Place: 1 Tezzeret, The Seeker
13th – 16th Place: 1 Wasteland

Location: Café Volkshuis, Rozenberg 115, 2400 Mol (Belgium)
A road description can be found on (English version) (Dutch version)

Drinks and sandwiches are available at reasonable price, so we like to ask you not to bring in your own drinks or food.

For preregistration and further information, contact us:
by e-mail:
by phone: +32473813637 (Tom Hens)

Kind regards,

Tom Hens