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Messages - bb-g

TO report, decklists video's and results are posted o our site under the menu item "Results"
I'd like to thank Robrecht for the writing of the text.
The preregistrations have ended. We are at 51 players which means if everybody shows up we are allready handing out an Alpha Ancestral Recall. It's still possible to register at the venue, there's enough room to host all of you.
I still hope to see you all there and to make it a pleasant day!

Kind regards,

I'd like to inform you all that the preregistrations will end this friday 15/04/2011.

At this moment we have 45 preregistered players. The handing out of the Alpha Ancestral Recall is coming very close!
guaranteed price-support:

1 mox ruby unlimited
2 Jace, the mind sculptor
3 Tundra
4 Tundra
5-8 Foil Mishra's Factory

50 or more people (we are now almost @40, site needs to be updated this evening) first place gets an alpha ancestral recall

Already 27 preregistrations, this going into the right direction towards the 50 and the Alpha Ancestral Recall :)

All preregistrations are published periodically on our website:

Veerle Delecluyse has confirmed she will be at the venue to accept commissions for altering cards. On our site we added a new page with some examples of her previous alters.
Merci pour la correction Carl, vous avez raison. Je m'avais trompé  :oops: