[Vintage] Bourgoin-Jallieu Vintage XI, 31 Mai 2009 - trial

Démarré par Darius, 08 Juin 2009, 20:18:58

« précédent - suivant »


Number of Swiss rounds completed: 6
Number of playoff rounds completed: 3

Final result:

1 Camille, FENET
2 David, KULIK
2 Adrien, CLAUDEL
5 Vincent, RUAUT
6 Christophe, SCIANGULA
8 Christian, MARTIN
9 Jonathan, CHASANE

10 Philippe, MARNIER
11 Etienne, VILLANI
12 Maxime, JOURDAN
13 Nack, CHASANE
14 Maxime, GILLES
15 Bertrand, CHAUX
16 Cyril, KIECKEN
17 Sylvain, DUMAS
18 Christophe, SILVESTRE
19 Kevin, CHARRA
20 Xavier, BARROS
21 Arnaud, GENESSAY
22 Yohan, FATELA
23 Sébastien, PERRIN
26 Guillaume, PLIOT
28 Damien, COLOMB
29 Anthony, HERAUD
30 Thierry, PILOT
31 Emmanuel, CASTANIER
32 Sébastien, ESCALLE
33 Alexandre, BOEUF

Les listes :

1er :
Camille Fenet

// Lands
    4 Volcanic Island
    3 [ON] Flooded Strand
    2 [ON] Polluted Delta
    1 [MR] Seat of the Synod
    1 [OV] Library of Alexandria
    1 [TSP] Academy Ruins
    1 [US] Tolarian Academy
    3 [MI] Island (4)

// Creatures
    1 [DS] Darksteel Colossus
    3 [FD] Trinket Mage

// Spells
    1 [A] Red Elemental Blast
    1 [GP] Shattering Spree
    1 [US] Voltaic Key
    1 [FD] Engineered Explosives
    1 Mox Pearl
    1 [A] Mox Ruby
    1 [A] Time Vault
    1 [PR] Mana Crypt
    1 [TSB] Tormod's Crypt
    1 [SOK] Pithing Needle
    1 [A] Sol Ring
    1 [MM] Misdirection
    4 [AL] Force of Will
    4 [LG] Mana Drain
    4 [DIS] Spell Snare
    4 [MR] Thirst for Knowledge
    1 Time Walk
    1 [A] Ancestral Recall
    1 [UL] Tinker
    1 [MM] Brainstorm
    1 [6E] Mystical Tutor
    1 [MM] Gush
    1 [AQ] Hurkyl's Recall
    1 Mox Emerald
    1 Black Lotus
    1 Mox Sapphire
    1 Mox Jet
    1 [TE] Lotus Petal

// Sideboard
SB: 2 [A] Red Elemental Blast
SB: 2 [GP] Shattering Spree
SB: 2 [FD] Engineered Explosives
SB: 3 [TSB] Tormod's Crypt
SB: 1 [SOK] Pithing Needle
SB: 2 [AQ] Hurkyl's Recall
SB: 1 [OV] Pyroblast
SB: 1 [UL] Rack and Ruin
SB: 1 [10E] Pyroclasm

2eme : Kulik David

// Lands
    3 [TE] Wasteland
    1 [4E] Strip Mine
    4 [ON] Polluted Delta
    2 [ON] Flooded Strand
    3 Underground Sea
    2 [9E] Island (1)
    1 [IN] Swamp (2)
    2 Tropical Island

// Creatures
    4 [RAV] Dark Confidant
4 [CHK] cursecathcer
    3 [FD] Trinket Mage
    1 [MI] Phyrexian Dreadnought

// Spells
    1 [US] Voltaic Key
    1 [CHK] Sensei's Divining Top
    1 [SOK] Pithing Needle
    1 [TE] Lotus Petal
    1 Time Vault
    1 Sol Ring
    1 [4E] Hurkyl's Recall
    1 [UL] Tinker
    1 Mox Sapphire
    1 [OV] Black Lotus
    4 [AL] Force of Will
    1 [A] Mox Emerald
    1 Mox Jet
    1 [PR] Mana Crypt
    1 [R] Demonic Tutor
    3 [LRW] Thoughtseize
    1 [5E] Brainstorm
    1 Ancestral Recall
    4 [SC] Stifle
    1 [FD] Engineered Explosives
    2 [NE] Daze
    1 [DS] Echoing Truth

// Sideboard
SB: 4 [FUT] Tarmogoyf
SB: 3 [FUT] Yixlid Jailer
SB: 2 [US] Planar Void
SB: 4 [PLC] Seal of Primordium
SB: 2 [eve] cold eyed selkie

3eme: rodrigue martinet andrieux

4 Tarmogoyf
4 Obscur confident
2 Grognard jôtun
3 Gaddock Teeg
2 Canoniste des Ethermentés
2 Kataki, tribu de la guerre
3 Elvish Spirit Guide
4 Contrainte
4 Saisie des pensées
4 Baguette de cassation
1 Balance
1 Précepteur diabolique
1 Chemin vers l'exil
1 Précepteur vampirique
3 Diabolic Edict
1 Salve obscure

3 Lande venteuse
3 Terres dévastées
2 Scurbland
3 Bloodstained Mire
1 Forêt
3 Marais
1 Snow-Covered plains
1 Mine des morts-terrains
2 Bayou
1 Savane

Réserve :

3 Extirpation
2 Poigne Krosiane
2 Rayon de révélation
3 Etouffer
2 Sceau de primordium
3 Faerie macabre

4eme:  Claudel Adrien - Ichorid

5eme: Vincent Ruaut

// Lands
    4 [AQ] Mishra's Workshop
    4 [TE] Ancient Tomb
    2 [EX] City of Traitors
    1 [AQ] Mishra's Factory (3)
    4 [TE] Wasteland
    1 [4E] Strip Mine
    1 [US] Tolarian Academy

// Creatures
    4 [UD] Metalworker
    3 [4E] Triskelion
    3 [DS] Arcbound Ravager

// Spells
    4 [NE] Tangle Wire
    4 [LRW] Thorn of Amethyst
    4 [EX] Sphere of Resistance
    4 [FD] Staff of Domination
    4 [DS] Sword of Fire and Ice
    1 [A] Mox Emerald
    1 [A] Mox Jet
    1 Mox Pearl
    1 Mox Ruby
    1 [A] Mox Sapphire
    1 Sol Ring
    1 [PR] Mana Crypt
    1 [OV] Black Lotus
    4 [MR] Chalice of the Void
    1 [DS] Trinisphere

6eme : christophe sciangula

// Lands
    2 [US] Mountain (1)
    2 [A] Swamp (2)
    1 [OD] Forest (3)
    1 Bayou
    3 [ON] Bloodstained Mire
    2 [A] Taiga
    1 [AQ] Strip Mine (1)
    4 [TE] Wasteland
    3 [ON] Wooded Foothills

// Creatures
    4 [PLC] Simian Spirit Guide
    4 [RAV] Dark Confidant
    4 [FUT] Tarmogoyf
    4 [GP] Tin Street Hooligan
    4 [AT] Goblin Vandal
    4 [AL] Gorilla Shaman (2)

// Spells
    3 [VI] Desolation
    1 [A] Demonic Tutor
    1 [VI] Vampiric Tutor
    3 [TE] Diabolic Edict
    3 [TSP] Smallpox
    1 [GP] Shattering Spree
    1 [DS] Skullclamp
    1 [FD] Engineered Explosives
    2 [CHK] Sensei's Divining Top
    1 [EX] Sphere of Resistance

// Sideboard
SB: 2 [DS] Skullclamp
SB: 1 [BOK] Umezawa's Jitte
SB: 2 [PS] Terminate
SB: 2 [TSP] Krosan Grip
SB: 2 [A] Red Elemental Blast
SB: 2 [OV] Pyroblast
SB: 2 [PLC] Extirpate
SB: 2 [CH] Tormod's Crypt

7eme : Gael bonnefond

// Lands
    2 [10E] Island (1)
    3 [R] Volcanic Island
    3 [ON] Flooded Strand
    1 [ON] Polluted Delta
    3 [MR] Seat of the Synod
    2 [R] Underground Sea
    1 [US] Tolarian Academy

// Creatures
    1 [DS] Darksteel Colossus

// Spells
    1 [DS] Echoing Truth
    4 [LG] Mana Drain
    4 [AL] Force of Will
    2 [7E] Duress
    1 [MM] Misdirection
    1 [MM] Brainstorm
    1 Ancestral Recall
    1 Time Walk
    4 [MR] Thirst for Knowledge
    4 [MR] Thoughtcast
    1 [R] Demonic Tutor
    1 [6E] Mystical Tutor
    1 [6E] Vampiric Tutor
    1 Time Vault
    2 [US] Voltaic Key
    1 [UL] Tinker
    1 [IN] Fact or Fiction
    1 [CHK] Sensei's Divining Top
    1 Black Lotus
    1 Mox Sapphire
    1 Mox Emerald
    1 Mox Pearl
    1 Mox Jet
    1 Mox Ruby
    1 [R] Sol Ring
    1 [PR] Mana Crypt
    1 [5E] Mana Vault
    1 [US] Yawgmoth's Will
    1 [TSP] Tezzeret the seeker

// Sideboard
1 Tornod's crypt
1 Pithing needle
2 extirpation
1 trombe de feu
1 pyroclasm
1 engineered explosives
3 marcheurd de lingot
1 hurkyll recall
2 pyroblast
1 red elemental blast
1 leviathan de l'encrier

8eme: Christian Martin

// Lands
    1 [AN] Library of Alexandria
    1 [US] Tolarian Academy
    3 Tropical Island
    1 Volcanic Island
    1 Underground Sea
    3 [ON] Polluted Delta
    3 [9E] Island (1)
    3 [ON] Flooded Strand

// Spells
    1 Mox Jet
    1 [A] Mox Emerald
    1 [US] Voltaic Key
    1 Time Vault
    1 Mox Sapphire
    1 [10E] Pyroclasm
    4 [IA] Mystic Remora
    1 [8E] Merchant Scroll
    4 [LG] Mana Drain
    4 [AL] Force of Will
    3 [DIS] Spell Snare
    1 [R] Demonic Tutor
    1 [US] Yawgmoth's Will
    1 [VI] Vampiric Tutor
    1 [CS] Commandeer
    1 Ancestral Recall
    1 Time Walk
    1 Mox Ruby
    1 [UL] Tinker
    1 [CHK] Gifts Ungiven
    1 [5E] Brainstorm
    1 [SC] Stifle
    1 [IN] Fact or Fiction
    1 [FD] Engineered Explosives
    1 Sol Ring
    1 [OV] Black Lotus
    1 Mox Pearl

// Sideboard
SB: 3 [AQ] Energy Flux
SB: 4 [ON] Smother
SB: 4 [GP] Leyline of the Void
SB: 1 [UL] Rack and Ruin
SB: 1 [LRW] Sower of Temptation
SB: 1 [10E] Pyroclasm
SB: 1 [FUT] Yixlid Jailer