[card] strategic planing

Démarré par astre, 05 Août 2008, 09:49:28

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plus d'opinion sur le sujet sur TMD:

Citation de: paul
CitationI have 1 question for Paul, How did de strategic plannings work for you in the TPS list. I was testing the same and like them so far.
I put them in as an experiment, and I won, but it's hard for me to say how good they were.  Most of the time they sat in my hand and I didn't end up playing them.  I usually had better stuff to do. 

Still, in the handful of times when I didn't have something better to do, they were good.  it's hard for me to decide if those Strat plannings shouldn't just be more bombs.

Citation de: websterThe blue spells combo plays are generally required to be insane. Why? Simply because blue mana is so much harder to generate than black. Strategic planning doesn't strike me as quite good enough for dark ritual-based decks.

If I were to look at a blue card that set up the graveyard for yawgmoth's will, I'd look at intuition and gifts ungiven first. That said, I know the shortcomings of the former, and I'm sure after a bit of discussion/forum review/testing, the rest of the community will as well.

Paul visiblement est assez d'accord avec moi visiblement: généralement, on a mieux à faire mais ca doit être bon tour 1 et en top deck quand on est en slip.
l'idée de webster sur ce pour comme quoi intuition > SP, est pas completement fausse. sauf que: ca tiens pas vraiment dans la curve... a voir
membre du fan club des tachikoma


Et encore personne pour dire que C'est fort avec Tarmo ?  :oops:


pour ca, faudrait jouer vert  :x
membre du fan club des tachikoma