[Announcement] Morphling Vintage Cup in Hanau, Germany (Frankfurt) - 06.01.2012

Démarré par Tobi, 31 Octobre 2011, 22:36:50

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On Friday, 6th of January 2012, the Morphling Vintage Cup will be held in Hanau, Germany (close to Frankfurt).

Prize structure:
1st place: Timetwister (Alpha), Time Walk (Unlimited) and a winner's cup
2nd place: Ancestral Recall (Unlimited)
3rd place: Mox Ruby (Unlimited)
4th place: Mox Ruby (Unlimited)
5th place: Bazaar of Baghdad
6th place: Bazaar of Baghdad
7th place: Bazaar of Baghdad
8th place: Bazaar of Baghdad
9–16: 50 € purchase voucher

Special prize for best unpowered: Time Vault (Unlimited)
Unpowered is a deck without Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, Timetwister, Mox Pearl, Mox Sapphire, Mox Jet, Mox Ruby, Mox Emerald, Bazaar of Baghdad, Mishra's Workshop

Prizes will be upgraded depending on player attendance.
85 or more - 5th will also receive a power 9
95 or more - 6th will also receive a power 9
105 or more - 7th will also receive a power 9
and so on
The remaining prizes (Bazaars and vouchers) will move down to the following places.

Format: Vintage
Entry fee: 30 Euro (27,50 Euro for preregistered players until 1. January 2012)
Start: 12:00 Uhr, registration 11:00

See you there!



Belle journée le vendredi. :shock:

Le concours Legacy du samedi a de sacré lot aussi !  :mrgreen:

Großes ,,Win a Lotus"-Legacyturnier:

   Format: Legacy
   Startgeld: 25 Euro (23 Euro bei Voranmeldung bis zum 1. Januar 2012)
   Beginn: 10:00 Uhr, Anmeldung ab 9:00
Platz 1: Black Lotus (Beta), 250-Euro-Gutschein für eine Reise zu einem Grand Prix und ein Siegerpokal
Platz 2: Time Walk (Alpha)
Platz 3: Ancestral Recall (Unlimited)
Platz 4: Ancestral Recall (Unlimited)
Platz 5–8: je ein Mox (Unlimited)
Platz 9–16: je ein Einzelkartengutschein über 50 Euro

J'adore les concours de Pimp :
,,Pimp Your Deck"-Vintageturnier: Wir suchen die schönsten Vintagedecks!
,,Pimp Your Deck"-Legacyturnier: Wir suchen die schönsten Legacydecks!
,,Pimp Your Deck"-Highlanderturnier: Wir suchen die schönsten Highlanderdecks!

Leur Highlander, à ce que j'ai compris c'est un EDH sans général avec un choix de couleurs, apparement il utilise des Noble Hierarch dans leur GW build donc pas de soucis avec le mana symbol hors build...
J'ai un Doran avec 75% de foil à présenter mais bon j'imagine leur deck de porcasse avec du foil jap alt, des GURU land etc...
@MtgTheSource : Goyf is worth more than its weight in Gold.
@MTG Salvation : i tell you one thing, if there's a folk on this earth who likes dem dredge, it's the germans. When germans tell you to go quad, you go quad ! do not question them... ever.  
@GenCon2012 - About report of BrianDeMars : Does it matter? He went 0-2 drop. I want to know what the people who actually won a match played.
@theManadrain - About the Deckname of Menandian : lol ok, what did you change a card or two and call it meandeck x? Sorry if my post ruins your hype for your upcoming 4 dollar article.
EDH 1v1 : Animar - Sigarda - Nin - Sidisi
EDH Multi : GAA4 - Omnath - Kiki-Jiki - Brimaz - Oloro - Kaalia - Kozilek
Modern : Merfolk
Legacy : Dredge "Quad'Lazer"
Vintage : PitchLong Oath