i'm looking for bricolage foil french, and illusionary mask A/B, sell mana crypt

Démarré par tropporicco, 29 Juillet 2008, 11:25:30

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i'm looking for bricolage foil in french 25€, and illusionary mask beta alpha 90€,
thank you

i'm selling mana crypt in spanish white border for 15€ and 3,5€ for registered shipping.
i accept paypal and bank transfer to italy or spain.

http://www.tropporicco.it/magic/magicg 005.jpg

i'm Filippo Lietti   -  Nick Name: Tropporicco
i'm italian but i live in psain Valencia , i'm a big trader and a square trader.

contact me at: tropporicco@gmail.com
or add me in  msn: filippo00@cracantu.it

thank you


Hi Filippo,

Welcome to Solomoxen,

We have some rules on this topic, and the first one is to give a price to any cards you are looking for or selling.

So please, give us your price for these cards:

Citationi'm looking for bricolage foil in french, and illusionary mask beta alpha,

Tout magic au meilleur prix: www.magicbazar.fr


I have a tinker foil in french ("bricolage") to sell if you want

If you are interested contact me ;)