
Démarré par Lionceau, 15 Septembre 2008, 21:32:16

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Ca me saoule je joue pas bloc ou autre truc recent, je ne trouve les regles nulle part, ca marche comment les arpenteurs? ca se tue a quoi?


Merci  ;)
Carpe diem ;)


quand tu attaques / fais des dommages, tu peux choisir d'attaquer / endommager l'arpenteur plutot que le joueur adverse.


Citation de: quentin le 15 Septembre 2008, 21:56:28
quand tu attaques / fais des dommages, tu peux choisir d'attaquer / endommager l'arpenteur plutot que le joueur adverse.
Mais donc c'est comme une 4/4? pourquoi parles tu d endommager? il meurt sur terreur? sur boule de feu?

Ces capacités marchent comment?

Je ne connais pas du tout les regles sur les arpenteurs merci de tout dire. ( c est ce que je voulais dire par: "ca marche comment les arpenteurs?")

Merci  :P
Carpe diem ;)


L'arpenteur n'a pas de force et endurance, il a des points de vie comme un joueur.

Quand il arrive en jeu, il a autant de points de vie que noté en bas à gauche.
Il a 3 capacités, qui lui font perdre ou lui ajoutent des points de vie.
Ces capacités activées ont un cout et se jouent en rituel. L'arpenteur peut utiliser une seule de ses capacités par tour, et notamment le tour où il arrive en jeu. Il doit avoir suffisamment de points de vie pour payer le cout de la capacité. Certaines capacités redonnent des points de vie.

En général l'arpenteur a 1 capacité qui lui donne de la vie, 2 qui lui en font perdre. Parmi ces 2 là, il en a une qui coûte plus cher que le nombre de PVs qu'il a au départ et dont les effets sont très puissants.

L'arpenteur est un permanent, il peut être affecté où cibler par les effets qui influent sur les permanents.

Quand un joueur attaque un autre joueur qui possède un permanent, il décide pour chacune de ses créatures attaquantes si celle-ci attaque le joueur ou l'arpenteur. Les créatures du joueur défenseur bloquent normalement, qu'elles "protègent" le joueur ou l'arpenteur.

Quand un joueur inflige des dommages qui ne sont pas des dommages de combat à un joueur, il peut choisir de répartir ces dégats comme il veut entre le joueur et l'arpenteur.

Exemple je joue foudre et je cible mon adversaire :
je lui colle 1 point de dégats et 2 à son arpenteur.

Voila je crois pas avoir dit de conneries, les termes que j'ai utilisé ne sont peut-être pas les bons
nicofromtokyo (extrait) :
CitationLe beau geste, l'elegant touch, l'ouragan de bonheur du Storm à 10, le frisson du Draw7 ftw, bref, le kill tour 1, c'est toute l'essence du Type 1. Et Flash arrive, sans effort, tout juste à cause d'un wording merdique, et souille le kill tour 1 par sa trop grande facilité et son manque de risque et de frisson. Il tue le mythe, il brise le jeu, il salit les rêves des joueurs nostalgiques, bref, il ruine des années de pouissante magie à lui tout seul.

ode à la gloire de Olaf par NfT
Combo est mort ce soir par Astre

Armaggedon imminent...


FAQ officielle des planeswalkers :
Originally Posted by Mark Gottlieb
You can play a planeswalker only at the time you could play a sorcery. A planeswalker is a permanent, so when a planeswalker spell resolves, it comes into play under your control. Any spell or ability that affects a permanent (for example, "destroy target permanent") can affect a planeswalker. Note that planeswalkers aren't creatures; if a card says it affects a creature, it won't affect a planeswalker.

Each planeswalker has a subtype. For example, Garruk Wildspeaker says "Planeswalker -- Garruk" on its type line. These subtypes are also called planeswalker types. These are not creature types; they're an independent list.

* If two or more planeswalkers that share a subtype are in play, they're all put into their owners' graveyards as a state-based effect.

Loyalty is a characteristic only planeswalkers have. Each planeswalker has a loyalty number printed in the lower right corner of the card. This isn't a power or toughness -- it's a new value.

A planeswalker comes into play with a number of loyalty counters on it equal to its loyalty number. While a planeswalker is in play, its loyalty is equal to the number of loyalty counters on it, and its printed loyalty number is ignored.

Damage dealt to a planeswalker results in that many loyalty counters being removed from it; see "Dealing Damage to Planeswalkers" below.

Playing an ability of a planeswalker causes it to gain or lose loyalty; see "Planeswalker Abilities" below. As a planeswalker loses loyalty, that many loyalty counters are removed from it. As a planeswalker gains loyalty, that many additional counters are put onto it.

If a planeswalker's loyalty is 0, it's put into its owner's graveyard as a state-based effect.

While a planeswalker card isn't in play, its loyalty is equal to the number printed in its lower right corner.

Each planeswalker in the Lorwyn set has three activated abilities. These abilities have specific restrictions that aren't spelled out on the card, and their costs use a new symbol.

An ability of a planeswalker may be played only by that planeswalker's controller, and only any time he or she could play a sorcery. A player may play a planeswalker's ability the turn it enters play. A player may not play a planeswalker's ability if any of its abilities have been played already that turn. In other words, you're limited to one ability from each of your planeswalkers during your turn.

The cost to play a planeswalker's ability is represented by an arrow with a number inside. Up-arrows contain positive numbers, such as "+3"; this means "Put three loyalty counters on this planeswalker." Down-arrows contain negative numbers, such as "-1"; this means "Remove one loyalty counter from this planeswalker." You can't play a planeswalker's ability with a negative loyalty cost unless the planeswalker has at least that many loyalty counters on it.

Planeswalkers aren't creatures, so they can't attack or block. However, planeswalkers can be attacked.

As the declare attackers step begins, if the defending player controls a planeswalker, the active player declares who or what each attacking creature is attacking: the defending player or one of that player's planeswalkers. All the attacking creatures may attack the same thing, or they may attack different things. If the defending player controls multiple planeswalkers, any or all of them can be attacked during the same combat phase.

As the declare blockers step begins, the defending player declares which creatures he or she controls (if any) are blocking the attacking creatures. The blocking creatures don't care who or what the attackers are attacking.
During the combat damage step, damage from unblocked creatures attacking the defending player, damage from blocked creatures, and damage from blocking creatures is assigned and dealt as normal. Unblocked creatures that are attacking a planeswalker assign and deal their combat damage to that planeswalker, which causes that many loyalty counters to be removed from it. Planeswalkers, like players, don't deal combat damage.

If a creature with trample is attacking a planeswalker and is blocked, the attacker must assign lethal damage to each blocker, and may assign excess damage to the planeswalker. However, a creature with trample that's attacking a planeswalker can't "trample over" that planeswalker and assign combat damage to the defending player.

If a planeswalker leaves play or changes controllers, it's removed from combat and stops being attacked. However, a creature that was attacking that planeswalker isn't removed from combat -- it continues to attack. It may be blocked. If it isn't blocked, it remains an attacking creature but assigns no damage during the combat damage step. If it is blocked, it will deal damage to any creature blocking it as normal. If the attacker has trample, the trample ability has no effect because there's nothing for the creature to assign excess damage to.

In the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant, a creature can attack the defending team or attack a planeswalker controlled by either member of that team. A creature attacking a planeswalker can be blocked by creatures controlled by either member of the defending team, not just creatures controlled by the planeswalker's controller.

If a source you control would deal noncombat damage to an opponent, you may have that source deal that damage to a planeswalker that opponent controls instead. This is a redirection effect: you choose whether to redirect the damage as the redirection effect is applied, and it's subject to the normal rules for ordering replacement effects. The player affected by the damage chooses the order in which to apply such effects, but the controller of the source of the damage chooses whether the damage is redirected. Note that this redirection can't be applied to combat damage.

For example, although you can't target a planeswalker with Shock, you can target your opponent with Shock, and then as Shock resolves, choose to have Shock deal its 2 damage to one of your opponent's planeswalkers. If you do, two loyalty counters are removed from that planeswalker.

You can't choose to split the damage between a player and a planeswalker. In the Shock example above, you couldn't have Shock deal 1 damage to the player and 1 damage to the planeswalker.

If a source you control would deal damage to you, you can't have that source deal that damage to one of your planeswalkers instead.

In a Two-Headed Giant game, damage that would be dealt to a player can't be redirected to a planeswalker his or her teammate controls.

CitationYes,Tarmogoyf is probably better than Chameleon Colossus, but comparing it to Tarmogoyf is like comparing your girlfriend to Carmen Electra - one's versatile and reliable, the other's just big and cheap.(And you'd run both if you could get away with)

Citation de: Question posée au Ask The Judge
Q: I have Ashnod's Coupon, which says that it is invalid in Quebec in the flavor text. Can I still use it in Quebec? I think so, because flavor text is not rules text, but my friend disagrees.

Citation de: SubwarBF le 13 Juillet 2009, 19:59:15
R.I.P Nico, c'était lui le plus grand, pas ce pédophile de Michael

Blog Magic Eternal :


heu lionceau parle pas l'anglais courement  :roll:

cte noob :moustache:
membre du fan club des tachikoma


Le site de la GT Team :

European Eternal Reference : Eternal Central !


Citation de: astre le 16 Septembre 2008, 09:23:17
heu lionceau parle pas l'anglais courement  :roll:

cte noob :moustache:
En effet  :mrgreen:

Merci a vous  ;)
Carpe diem ;)


Citation de: OlafGrossbaf le 15 Septembre 2008, 22:29:45

Exemple je joue foudre et je cible mon adversaire :
je lui colle 1 point de dégats et 2 à son arpenteur.

Attention :

You can't choose to split the damage between a player and a planeswalker. In the Shock example above, you couldn't have Shock deal 1 damage to the player and 1 damage to the planeswalker.

Donc une source de dommages ne peut pas être répartie de la sorte. Donc une foudre inflige 3 au joueur ou 3 à l'arpenteur. En revanche, si l'adversaire reçoit 3 fois 1 dégât, on peut rediriger pour chaque dégât infligé.
Bazaar - Mox Jet -Black - Duress - activation Bazaar qui défausse WG Dragon - Animate dead - Game...
Land - Mox Jet - Black Lotus - Duress - Voltaic Key - Time Vault - Game...
Black Lotus - Mox Jet - Abeyance - Bazaar qui défausse WG Dragon, Reanim - Game...


Désolé j'ai dit une connerie. Merci d'avoir rectifié fury.

Au passage l'article de Magic Ville est pas mal.
nicofromtokyo (extrait) :
CitationLe beau geste, l'elegant touch, l'ouragan de bonheur du Storm à 10, le frisson du Draw7 ftw, bref, le kill tour 1, c'est toute l'essence du Type 1. Et Flash arrive, sans effort, tout juste à cause d'un wording merdique, et souille le kill tour 1 par sa trop grande facilité et son manque de risque et de frisson. Il tue le mythe, il brise le jeu, il salit les rêves des joueurs nostalgiques, bref, il ruine des années de pouissante magie à lui tout seul.

ode à la gloire de Olaf par NfT
Combo est mort ce soir par Astre

Armaggedon imminent...